Monday, December 11, 2017

Final Video

Artist Statement:

People have stress and problems that they let build up and keep inside. 
This can cause changes in peoples mood resulting in rude behavior. 
Instead of taking that emotion out on other people my message is to do it by lifting weight. It is a great stress relief and not only does it lead to a more positive mood amongst individuals, but it improves your health and helps your body to be in better shape. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Performance Art

Working out in a suit is not the main purpose of this video. Crunch is a "Judgement Free Zone".
My partner Christopher Murtaugh, and I wanted to test their motto. People are stuck in their everyday routine. Most people show up to the gym in a suit, change in the locker room and start their workout. Chris and I showed up in gym clothes and changed into suits and proceeded to workout to break that routine. At first it felt awkward working out in a suit, but as we got into it the experience became funny and enjoyable. A side from a few people staring and taking videos of us people were not really that distracted by our appearance.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Xerox Project

Fight Your Demons

Everyday, people struggle with an internal voice trying to persuade them to be lazy and not accomplish their goals. This voice constantly tries to take you off the path of success. Its important to battle this voice and proceed with what you know will bring a bright future. Fight your bad habits and move forward. This is me fighting my demons.

I was inspired by the artist Yayoi Kusama a japanese artist famous for using mirrors in his artwork and combining the concept of reality and an alternate universe.

I used my own scanner to copy parts of myself and then printed, cut, and taped them to my mirror.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

30x30 Project

This project took a very long time to complete. Each individual hole on the grid needed to be knotted with a single piece of fabric. Went way above and beyond the requirements but i am satisfied with the results. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


ASCII art is very interesting. It consists of numbers, letters and symbols arranged in a specific alignment to create a larger picture. ASCII can be used to create intricate designs or even make your own character.

Some examples are

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Technology Advance Music Consumption

Matthew Tenenbaum 

A world without music is silent. Experts have evidence that music has been an important part of human culture dating back 30 to 60,000 years. With that said, not only has the content changed and evolved but the way it is delivered to people has ever changing constantly. In today’s day and age we pick up our iPhones, click on the app for apple music, type in whatever song we desire to listen to, and within seconds it is playing. People are so used to this type of technology even though it has only been around for a short time in comparison to the way people used to absorb music. The ability to listen to music off of our mobile-phones through streaming platforms such as Apple Music and Soundcloud, etc. is very interesting if you take a deeper look into the technologies in the past that influenced its creation.
The most common way people would hear music dating back to its early stages would be through a live performance. People would physically have to travel to a concert venue in order to hear music. Someone had to be singing or playing an instrument in front of an audience in order for people to absorb intricate sounds acquired from the combination of voice and performance. It wasn’t until 1877 when Thomas Edison invented the Phonograph, the consumption of musical sound changed forever. This was the first machine that was able to record music and play it back. Edisons invention revolutionized the development of music and was really a monumental step in human history. 
About a decade later in the 1890’s the transitional phase from pre-recorded wax cylinders created from the phonograph to flat-disc records started to occur. The main reason for this transition is because flat-disc records were easier to mass produce than the wax cylinders. These discs made out of a material called shellac, were released in 1903 and it wasn’t until after World War One did they change to vinyl. The bigger the vinyl, the longer length of music they were able to obtain. People had the ability now to collect vinyl records of their favorite artists and listen at home on a record player. 
The invention of the radio changed the absorption of music once again now that people could listen at home without having to leave to purchase a record; also record players were not cheap. People could enjoy a variety of entertainment through the radio such as news, weather, talk shows, music, short stories, sports broadcasting, story telling, etc. The radio was a huge achievement for the human and really impacted the way information was delivered. It wasn’t until 1958 that cassette tapes came around and started to replace the consumption of music yet again. 
People could now enjoy their favorite artists and books through the use of cassette tapes. They first ones were sort of complex but as they began to develop they became easy to use. By the late 60’s all cars produced by Ford Motor Company included an 8-track player for cassette tapes. As cassette tapes became smaller through the advancement of technology the innovation of listening to music while walking emerged. The Walkman, created in 1979 in my opinion is the technology that mainly influenced the iPod. This invention really changed the culture of humans because now music was more available. People began walking around the streets with headphones enjoying their favorite songs.
In the 80’s the first CD’s emerged which allowed the people to store music on their computers. This is a huge influence for streaming platforms that were created to obtain and store your favorite music easier. The reason for these platforms success would not be without the invention of the first mp3’s. This gave computer users the ability to store music without the need for a CD. This did cause a lot of problems with music theft but was sorted out by the year 2005. The most revolutionary device of them all that has ever since changed the way people consume music is the Apple iPod created in 2001. People could now listen to their favorite songs on the go without the need of a cassette tape or a CD. As iPod’s continued to advance and become more complex the store’s in which you purchased music online changed as well. Now we have Apple Music, Soundcloud and other streaming platforms that enable people to listen to whatever music they desire with the click of a few buttons. 

Music would be more appreciated if people today knew the technological advancements that have happened in order to get to the point we are at today.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Broadway Plays

In Gwen Verdon, If you Could See me Now i thought the music fit very well to the movements on stage. The song that was being sung was about the woman getting proof of her spending the night with the man she was with to brag to her friends. This was not one of my favorites because of the way the woman was dancing.

I found the commercial for Angela Lasbury in MAME very amusing because it made me feel happy. The people that were talking about the show all had smiles on their faces while describing the show. It was interesting to see some clips of the show. I thought that the performers on stage were wearing a lot of make-up. This seems to be a common trend amongst broadway plays during this time period.

West coast cast of hair Smother Brothers was by far my favorite. The introduction was very entertaining visually. I also enjoyed the music throughout the performance. The characters also didnt have a creepy appearance compared to some of the other shows. The colors on stage were visually appealing to the eye. The only thing that seemed off to me about this one was the movements on stage. I was confused as to what they were doing.

The cast of hair on late night with David Letterman was also very good. It was the same song from the smother brothers but it was performed much better on the letterman show. I thought the main singers voice was amazing.

It was interesting to see the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory commercial compared tot the Angela Lasbury commercial because it was much newer. Its amazing how technology has changed and has the ability to make something seem more visually appealing even though they are both live performances. The technology used in this commercial in my opinion is more persuasive upon the audience than the older commercial.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Giacomo Puccini- Edgar

Matt Tenenbaum
Art and Technology 
Edgar- Giacomo Puccini

Opera is a form of musical art that has been around since the end of the 16th century. For last 500 years the performance of opera has been enjoyed by billions of people all over the world. Opera allows the audience to experience emotions differently than any other performance. This is due to the combination of a theatrical setting and a dramatic musical score performed by live singers and musicians. Throughout history there have been many famous opera composers known worldwide for there talent. Amongst that group is Giacomo Puccini most known from his short animated opera film “Madama Butterfly”. Puccini’s first full-length opera was an piece called “Edgar” that was segmented into three separate acts. The first performance was at the Teatro alla Scala, Milan, on 21st April 1889 and continued to be revised until the year 1905.

Puccini’s “Edgar” begins with a man that unfaithfully betrays his wife Fidelia by allowing his desire for another woman come between their relationship. Edgar leaves his village with this other woman named Moorish after hurting Fidelia’s brother in a fight. Edgar decides to make a good name for himself by joining the army upon his realization that his true love is Fidelia. By the third and final act of the opera Edgar is presumed dead which leads to his funeral being celebrated. As the Frank and a monk stand before the open coffin Edgars body is not inside, only armor. Edgar reveals himself as the monk next to Frank and expresses his true feelings for Fidelia who in turn remains loyal to Edgar and kills Moorish.

Upon watching this opera I was very moved by the emotional facial expressions that the characters had as they sung incredibly difficult notes. Although Puccini’s “Edgar” is composed in the Italian language I was still able to understand and comprehend what was happening throughout the performance. The body language of the characters was crucial to this because it allowed me to physically see what the characters were doing and feeling. 

I was surprised to find out in my research that “Edgar” was not a success. Giacomo Puccini continued to revise his work for 16 years until the year 1905 when he finally decided to give up in frustration. I think most audiences reactions after viewing a live performance of “Edgar” for the first time would be very similar to what mine was. Even though I did not view a live performance I was still emotionally effected upon the viewing of this performance. The way the characters passionately delivered their scores was remarkable, regardless of the storyline being a little vague. 

I was very impressed with the movement on stage. Everything corresponded and was in sync as the music got faster the singing got louder and stronger while the characters moved quicker. The choreography of all of the characters movement simultaneously while doing a live performance such as this without making a mistake is very impressive especially because of the little technology that these performers had available. The costumes that the characters were wearing in Puccini’s “Edgar” were also incredible and it probably took a great amount of effort to put such clothing together back in 1889. The amount of people that had to be involved to make the production of “Edgar” a reality is very astounding. 

I think that this piece is important in the chronology of Opera because it came just at the end of the 19th century which was widely known as the romantic era of opera music. Romanticism was the most dominant music until the 1st World War. The music was heavily directed towards strong emotions and a rebellion against the scientific conformity of the enlightenment and the industrial revolution. Opera became increasingly larger and much more dramatic, as up to 100 players became involved in the performance. “Edgar” is a romanticism piece that emerged at the end of its era. This could have a connection as to why the success of this opera was not as great as expected. Few composers were writing new romantic works because the old ones still being performed were getting “played out”. People wanted something different than what they were used to seeing. 

Technology is a huge part in the success of an opera performance. Success of an opera is not strictly determined by the audience’s reaction to the performance. Just to complete a live opera performance with few or no mistakes is very remarkable. The fact that these artists and musicians have the ability to do so is very impressive. Lighting is a key factor to the emotions felt by the audience because of the way it makes you feel depending on if it is light or dark. When it is dark on stage, there is a gloomy sad mood present as opposed to when it is light, the audience feels happy and uplifted. When a character is lit in the spotlight they become the main focus of attention and however they’re emotions are expressed on stage is generally how the audience responds.

If I was a 21st century director working for a video game company and I had to translate Giacomo Puccini’s “Edgar” into a video game I would base it upon the storyline. The game would take place in a farmland village in Italy. The game would be a third person free roam type game where the main character of the game would be Edgar as he embarks on his journey of leaving the village with Moorish. Throughout the game there would be different challenging objectives to complete in order to advance such as fighting Fidelias brother, escaping the village, joining the army, etc. The game would be rated mature due to its graphic violent and sexual content. If this game was actually created I could see it being successful due to the ability of the player to free roam and make their own choices while completing challenging missions.


Opera's History. (n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2017, from

(2012, March 31). Edgar - Giacomo Puccini - Edgar (opera). Retrieved September 25, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2017, from

Monday, September 18, 2017

Madama Butterfly

The animated opera Madama Butterfly was very different than anything i have ever seen. The composition was very moving but the animated visual was a little strange. I thought the sad heart-breaking story between the woman and the sailor matched the emotions throughout the entirety of the opera. For example when the woman and the sailor were making love the music was very intense as opposed to when the sailor leaves the music becomes slower and sad.
I was very impressed by the way the animated story was able to connect the way our emotions felt with the vibe of the opera. What was odd to me was the way the characters looked. They were very strange looking and it made it somewhat awkward to watch at certain points.
Overall i thought Madama Butterfly was a good video to watch because it makes you think differently than how you normally would when just listening to the audio. Putting a visual to sound limits imagination but in this situation it brought light to a sad, but yet common love story.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Raul Cuero Creativity

Watch RAUL CUERO’s interview about Creativity and post your comments on your BLOG on how can you apply these concepts to your everyday life.

Raul Cuero grew up living a very difficult life due to poverty and where he was from. His father and mother both did not know how to read and was treated differently because he was different. He was offered a scholarship for basketball and was granted the opportunity to pursue his aspirations of gaining higher education. He explained that when he was off the basketball court he was worthless so he needed to learn more and become successful in life. I learned that people expect and think certain things about  people based upon their ethnic associated and physical associated. People appearance respect the fact that Raul could think and contribute to society the way they could because of the way he looked. It is important to have a universal didn't to overcome certain consciousness and predicaments because when you have the awareness of who you are you are more confident in yourself. You must be able to go above society and culture and look at things from a higher angle in order to see who you are and how you fit in. People expect you to be limited in the way you think. The only way to change that is with action. To be different and do things that prejudice didn't aren't with normal is to be creative. Creativity also has to do with how you Creativity nature and how it relates to your existence. You must be able to understand your place in nature and how you effect it. Cuero mentions that kids today spend to much time inside and do not spend enough time with nature so they are losing there sense of creativity. Kids spend too much time on electronics and not enough conversing and exchanging other ideas. Cuero also experesses the idea of fear and being afraid to fail. He says that you have to be very intense with everything that you do in order to reach goals. Everything is a process and good things take time.
This is a picture of a round dinner table combined with a supreme cheesy pepperoni pizza pie.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Class Assignment

My name is Matt Tenenbaum. I'm from Long Island New York in a small town on the south east coast called Bellmore. I grew up exploring many different hobbies and activities. I am now currently a junior at the University of Tampa in the process of obtaining a media production degree. I enjoy sports, working out, music, and going out with friends. The first class felt a little overwhelming with information about the semester but I am looking forward to working hard in this class to get a good grade. I feel that this class will be very informative and help advance my knowledge about media. I can't wait to get the year started and get another 4 credits under my belt.